What are the Properties of Indifference Curve


what are the properties of indifference curve

In this article, we will explore the concept of indifference curves and their properties. We will also discuss how they can be used in economics and business.

What is an indifference curve?

An indifference curve is a graphical representation of the total cost (TC) or benefit (BC) that a person is indifferent to, as a function of their utility (U) for different levels of consumption. The indifference curve is also known as the indifference line, indifference curve equation, or indifference curve theorem.
The slope of the indifference curve shows how much more a person is willing to pay for one unit of good if it means they can have two units instead. The y-axis measures the change in TC; the x-axis measures the change in U.
The slope of an indifference curve represents how much more people are willing to pay for one unit increase in consumption when their utilities are unchanged.

How do indifference curve properties help in decision making?

In economic theory, there is a concept known as the indifference curve. This curve is used to help decision makers figure out what options are best for them. The properties of the indifference curve can help in making decisions in a number of ways.

For example, if someone is considering buying a car, they might look at two different models and see that the prices are the same. However, one model has a lot of features that the other model doesn’t have. If the person is indifferent between the two models, then they would buy the model without any features. This is because they are not bothered by the lack of features and are only interested in the price.

Similarly, if someone is considering whether or not to invest in a company, they might look at how much money they will make over time. For example, if someone has $10,000 and they want to make $1,000 every month for 10 years, then they should invest in a company that pays them interest. However, if someone is indifferent between investing and not investing, then they will not invest because it does not affect their decision making in any way. In this case, it does not matter what return they get on their investment


The properties of indifference curve are as follows: first, the higher the X-axis value, the more indifferent people are to a particular attribute; and second, as Y-values increase on the vertical axis, indifference increases until it reaches its peak at point A. These curves can be used to create efficient decision making models by finding points along which a majority of people are indifferent to a certain attribute.
