What is Phantom Loading With Definition


What is Phantom Loading With Definition

1.when the appliance is turned off and it accept the electricity it is called as Phantom loading.

2.The Phantom loading is called in two names vampire loading and virtual loading.

3.The Phantom loading is mainly adopted and occupy in electronic appliances.

4.when the energy of this appliances is rotated as meter it doesn’t gain the power.

Phantom Loading

1.The Phantom loading is used by very less power and rating of this loading is having ability of energy meter

2.The Phantom loading of current supply is low so it will list most of the electricity and become very small particles.

3.It is used for testing the energy meter.

4.There are two types of coil namely pressure coil and current coil.ans is individually divided in single to produce supply source.

5.The coil of pressure is gained the energy from small supply voltage.

6.The coil of current is being energies by very small voltage and less power of voltage is produced.

7.The pressure and current coil circuit have less obstruction of movement of the electron.

8.The high percentage of electricity is passed through the highly rated current.

9.The current coil having low power to produce current.

10.The pressure coil having lower power to produce current.


The rate of voltage across direct current is 220v.ampere of current is 9.The resistance is resistivity of current coil and pressure of coil is 4400 ohm and 0.1ohm respectively.there are direct and indirect current accessible in the voltage and power is consumption by Phantom loading.


 Pressure coil


Current circuit


Total power of current circuit


phantom loading in energy meter

When you’re checking your energy bill, there may be instances where the numbers on the meter show as if there’s still power being used when in reality it’s been turned off. This is called phantom loading and it can significantly reduce your energy consumption. Here’s how to avoid it and save money on your energy bill.

What is phantom loading in an energy meter?

Phantom loading is a phenomenon that can occur in an energy meter when there’s not enough electricity being supplied to the meter. This can cause the energy meter to show inaccurate readings, which can lead to incorrect bills and inconvenience for customers.

How does phantom loading occur?

Phantom loading is a phenomenon where the energy meter in a residential or commercial building reports higher energy usage than actually occurs. This occurs when the energy meter is reading more from the power lines than what is actually being used. phantom loading allows utilities to charge customers for more energy use than they actually use, resulting in customers overpaying their bills.
There are several causes for phantom loading:

-The meter may be damaged and be reading more power than is being used
-The wires in the building may be damaged and be sending more power to the meter than needed
-A transformer may be overloaded and be drawing too much power from the utility grid

What are the long-term effects of phantom loading?

Phantom loading is when customers repeatedly draw electricity from the grid even though they are not using it. This can result in overuse of energy and increased costs to the system.

There are a few long-term effects of phantom loading on the grid. These effects can include:

– Increased demand for electricity
– Overuse of resources (i.e. coal, oil, natural gas)
– Reduced reliability of the grid
– Higher electric bills for customers

How can you avoid phantom loading in your energy meter?

Phantom loading occurs when your energy meter is not registering the correct amount of energy being used. This can be due to a number of factors, such as faulty wiring, dirty meters, or even fluctuations in your power supply. If you’re experiencing phantom loading on your energy meter, there are steps you can take to solve the problem.
Here are some tips to avoid phantom loading on your energy meter:

1) Check your wiring – Make sure that all of your electrical wires are properly connected and in working order. If you notice any broken or frayed wires, replace them as soon as possible.

2) Clean your meters – Dirty meters can cause inaccurate readings. Clean them every 6 months with a mild solution like vinegar or baking soda.

3) Use an accurate energy monitor – An accurate energy monitor will help you track your energy consumption more accurately.

4) Contact your utility company – If you experience phantom loading on your energy meter, contacting your utility company may help resolve the issue.


One of the more common troubleshooting issues we see with energy meters is phantom loading. Phantom loading occurs when there is an issue with the meter itself, such as a bad connection or broken wire. While it may seem like nothing is wrong, phantom loading can cause inaccurate readings that could lead to financial ruin for our clients. Follow these simple tips to help diagnose and solve any phantom loading problems you might be experiencing.
