Best Explanation and significance of complex power


Meaning Explanation and significance of complex power


Complex power is also called as electrical power and is form the complex number.This is slightly better than the complex number ,The important functions and original part of the complex power is whereas to the activation power and imaginary part of the reaction power.It is always coordinate the number of electrical energy in the following numbers.

significance of complex power

Let us know the calculation of complex power

S = P + jQ

Complex power for a capacitive load is given as below.

S = P – jQ


Now we learn how to easily consume the voltage current of a load v and current I .

Therefore,It can be written as mathematically.

V = VejƟ

I = Iej(Ɵ+ø).

S = VI*

= VejƟx Ie-j(Ɵ+ø)

= Vie-jø

= VI (cosø – jsinø)

= VIcosø – VIsinø  ………(1)

As we know that, active power (P) and reactive power (Q) is given as

P = VIcosø

Q = VIsinø

Therefore, complex power can be written form (1) as shown below.

S = P – jQ

S = VI*

= VejƟx Ie-j(Ɵ-ø)

= Viejø

= VI (cosø + jsinø)

= VIcosø + VIsinø  ………(1)

As we know that, active power (P) and reactive power (Q) is given as

P = VIcosø

Q = VIsinø

Therefore, complex power can be written form (1) as shown below.

S = P + jQ

The power of consumption is simply calculated the complex power is consumed by the conductor.


1.The power of an triangle is main component to easily know the value of power triangle.

2.The active power is vary from the imaginary power.

3.Reactive power is always equal to the active power.

significance of complex power
