Motor Protection Circuit Breakers (MPCB)


Motor protection circuit breakers:(MPCB)

                            The electric motors is the main part of motor protection circuit breaker.It is designed by the electrical protection.

                             The MPCBs are very important point of produce and construct the mechanical drives.

                             Below points we saw the examples of electric motors and product of building.


         ✓It will help to cool the towers and when the compressor is get heated  it cooled the appliance.

         ✓It will increase the water pumping system.

         This used to function the elevators.

         ✓And it is used in many other coolent product and manufacturing process.

Functions of Motor protection circuit breakers:

 It is especially used in motor circuit and the frequency range is from 60Hz and involved in more functions and supply current to the motors.

            1.The capacity of MPCB is to protect the people by when the wire is fault and fall in the ground .the electrical fault and repair was being protected by this machine.

             2.when the motor is heated highly because it will function without rest that time it produce more heat and cooled by the electric current and is protected the overload circuit.

             3.It protect the unbalanced and not attached to the motor correctly and fight against it.

Working and principle:

1.The electric power is protect the overload against current passing inductor.

2.It takes more time to react the current production and functions the motor.

3.It allow the high voltage current then only this start their functions.

4.The magnetic protection is used in short circuit,line fault and electric fault.

5.when the thermal curren is not arrange in form then it gets disconnected and give danger to the motor.

6.The MPCB is more effective than the other appliances so it will protect the un proper standing and difference between the current.


                   The people are protected by this MPCB motors.because this is the only way to cool down the heated appliances.

                    This is called motors protection circuit breakers.
