How to calculate 1 unit electricity -power consumption calculation


How to calculate 1 unit electricity -power consumption calculation

The amount of electrical energy is gained by the power of 1kw rating in 1 hour is known as 1 unit electricity.

The 1 unit electricity is being calculated by the electrical energy of joule .

The units are always Same and the sI unit is 1unit=1kwh.


1 Unit Electricity = 1 kWh

                        = 1 kW x 1 Hour

                        = 1000 W x 3600 seconds

                        = 3.6×106 Joule

Therefore,1unit electricity is equal to3.6×106 Joule of electrical energy consumption.

How to calculate power consumption:

Power consumption is known as energy consumption.

The energy is basically called as time period.

The electrical appliances are calculated and measure by the units.

The energy meter is saw in the medium of Power of kWh .

There are main difference between two consecutive reading.

The number of time period is calculated by the electrical energy.

Let the initial reading of energy meter at the beginning of month = x kWh

Final reading of energy meter at the end of month = y kWh

Then, total kWh consumed for that month = (y-x)

But 1 Unit = 1 kWh

The rete of electricity is always calculated by the cost.

The cost of electrical energy always taken by the total amount and and energy.

This is the way to calculate the 1 unit electricity power consumption.
