What are the Symptoms of Black Fungus


what are the symptoms of black fungus

Black fungus is a fungal infection that most often affects the feet, nails, and hair. If left untreated, it can lead to serious medical conditions such as fungal keratitis, a painful and difficult-to-heal infection of the skin that may require surgery. If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, it’s important to get checked out by a doctor: intense itching, severe pain when touching the area, blistering, redness and swelling.

What is black fungus?

The fungus that is known as black fungus is a type of mold. The fungus can cause a number of symptoms, including black discoloration on surfaces, an unpleasant smell, and loss of moisture. If black fungus is not treated quickly, it can cause extensive damage to property.

Symptoms of black fungus

The signs and symptoms of black fungus can be difficult to diagnose, but if you notice any of the following, it is likely that you have black fungus:

-Dry patches on the skin that are pale or black in color
-Itching or soreness where the fungus is present
-Rashes or blistering around the affected area

How to treat black fungus

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, it is time to contact your doctor:

-Reddish patches on the skin
-Itching and irritation
-Foul odor
-Unusual swelling or blistering
If you have any questions about what may be causing your symptoms, please contact your doctor.


If you’re like most people, when you hear the words “fungus,” your mind immediately jumps to images of black mold or worse. However, there are other types of fungus that can cause problems for both you and your home. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the most common types of fungi that cause illness in humans and their effects on the body. We’ll also provide tips on how to identify and deal with them if they occur in your home. Finally, we’ll give you a link to a helpful resource full of information on all things fungal. Thanks for reading!
