What are the Salient Features of Indian Constitution


what are the salient features of indian constitution

The Indian Constitution is one of the most influential constitutions in the world. It has been amended several times, and continues to be a model for other democracies around the world. In this article, we will explore some of the salient features of the Indian Constitution and why it is so influential.

Indian Constitution Overview

The Indian Constitution is one of the oldest constitutions in the world, and it has been in effect since 1950. The Indian Constitution is extremely diverse, and it covers a range of topics such as fundamental rights, governance, and economic matters. While there are some common features across all articles of the Indian Constitution, there are also a number of salient features that make the Indian Constitution unique.

One of the most important aspects of the Indian Constitution is its diversity. The Indian Constitution includes articles that cover topics such as fundamental rights, governance, and economic matters. This diversity makes the Indian Constitution an extremely powerful document, and it can be used to protect different groups of people from discrimination. Additionally, the Indian Constitution includes a number of provisions that protect women’s rights. For example, the Indian Constitution protects women’s right to vote and to hold political office.

Another important feature of the Indian Constitution is its secular nature. The Indian Constitution does not include any religious references or restrictions. This allows for a wide variety of religious beliefs to be included in the Constitution without fear of discrimination or retaliation from government officials.

The final important feature of the Indian Constitution is its flexibility. The Indian Constitution allows for a variety of changes to be made

Indian Constitution Articles

The Indian Constitution was drafted in 1949 and came into effect on January 26, 1950. It is a charter of fundamental rights and freedoms that serves as the supreme law of India. The Constitution is divided into nine parts, with 73 articles in all. The first part of the Constitution deals with the establishment of the Republic of India, while the later parts deal with fundamental rights and freedoms. The Constitution has been amended 26 times, most recently in 2002.

Indian Constitution Parts

The Indian Constitution is one of the most important and influential constitutions in the world. It has been in place for over fifty years, and has played a significant role in shaping India’s political and social landscape. Here are four key features of the Indian Constitution that are worth noting.

1. The Indian Constitution is a participatory document. It was created through a process that allowed all interested parties to participate, and it is constantly evolving to reflect the changing needs of India’s citizens.

2. The Indian Constitution is based on the principle of secularism. It ensures that all religious beliefs are respected, without any discrimination being made between different religions.

3. The Indian Constitution protects the rights of individuals. This includes rights to freedom of expression, freedom of association, and the right to privacy.

4. The Indian Constitution guarantees social justice for all citizens. This includes provisions that protect the rights of minorities, women, and members of marginalized groups such as tribal communities.

Indian Constitution Channels of Implementation

The Indian Constitution is a supreme law of India. It came into force on 26 January 1950. The document is divided into Part A, which deals with the general principles of the Constitution, and Part B, which lays down the structure and procedures of the Indian Parliament and the Executive. Parts A and B are further divided into chapters, each dealing with a specific subject. The Constitution was adopted in a referendum held on 3 November 1949.


The Indian Constitution is one of the longest and most comprehensive constitutions in the world. It has been in place since 1950, and its provisions cover a wide range of human rights issues. The constitution was drafted with the intention of ensuring that all citizens have an equal opportunity to participate in India’s political life, and it forbids discrimination based on caste, religion, or sex. Additionally, the constitution guarantees fundamental rights to all individuals, including freedom of expression, assembly, and association.
