what is the full form of okay


what is the full form of okay

Okay is one of the most used words in the English language. It can be used as a verb (to agree or consent), a adverb (in a polite way), or an interjection (exclamation of mild surprise or satisfaction). But what is the full form of okay?

What is the full form of okay?

Okay is an acronym that stands for “Okey Dokey,” which is a phrase used in the United States to express agreement or satisfaction. The full form of okay is “Okay, cool.”

What does okay mean?

Okay can be interpreted in many ways. Some people might say that okay is a word that means everything is okay. Other people might say that okay means that you’re allowed to do something. In some cases, okay can also mean that you’re not happy with something, but you accept it.

How to use okay in a sentence?

Okay can be used in a sentence to mean “I understand.” or “I agree.”

Definitions of okay

Okay is an informal term that can mean different things to different people. In general, okay means everything is okay. It can be used as a replacement for good or OK, or in place of other expressions of agreement or concurrence. When used as an adjective, okay usually means satisfactory or adequate.


The full form of “okay” is “all right.”
